Rules and Regulation
1. Students are required to be punctual to school. School gate will be closed at 7:30 a.m. as per summer timing and 8:00 a.m. in winters. No child will be granted entry after the closure of the school gates.
2. All students must come to school in neat , clean and correct uniform. Students wearing untidy and incorrect uniform will be checked and penalized. Hair must be well groomed and cut or plaited giving a neat appearance.
3. Students must be regular to school. Irregularity will not be condoned. Whenever a student is absent, he/she may sit in class only after submitting a leave application duly signed by the parents. Absence for more than a week without information will result in the deletion of the student's name from the school rolls. In such a case the student will be permitted to attend the school only after paying readmission charges.
4. No half days will be granted. Parents must not send the child to school at all if they know that the child will not be able to attend full school.
5. No leave will be granted during test/exam days. Children who miss test will be awarded zero. In case of genuine illness medical leave will be granted only when the child has been shown to the Principal.
6. Notebooks, projects, tiffin, money, medicine etc. will not be accepted in the school once the school have begun. If a child has forgotten to bring his/her tiffin box other children will share their food.
7. All those who desire to discontinue the bus service must give a one month written notice. However after December of each academic session withdrawals will be permitted only when the bus fees is paid upto March i.e. end of the session.
8. Any change in the residential address or telephone nos. of the students must be intimated to the school immediately.
9. The school must be informed in writing if any student suffer from fits, seizures or any other serious or chronic illness. In the absence of any such information the school will not be responsible for not supplying adequate medical assistance.
10. Children will not be permitted to change their activity once the session has begun. A change will be considered only at the beginning of the session.
11. All children who go by their own conveyance must be collected promptly from the school after it gives over. The school will not be responsible for children after school gives over.
12. All children who use the School bus in the morning are required to go back by the bus too. The school will not be responsible for any student who mingles with the own conveyance students and leaves school using some other means of transport. If a student has to return home by some other means he/she must submit a written application to this effect.
13. Any student found guilty of damaging the bus or indulging in rowdyism or indisciplined behaviour in the bus will not be permitted to continue the school bus service.
14. If any emergency arises at home during school hours a child will be permitted to leave school only with the parents. No unauthorized friend or relative will be permitted to collect the child on their behalf.
15. School fees must be deposited as per the schedule printed in the fee bill book.
16. No student must take tuitions from any teacher in the institution. A student who is found guilty of breaking this rule will face strict disciplinary action and may even be asked to leave the institution.
17. Meeting time of Principal and teachers is given in the diary. Parents are required to adhere to these timings strictly. No parent will be permitted to meet Principal / teachers at any other time besides the time allotted.